Kainos (Tx) Capital LP

Kainos (Tx) Capital is a private equity company based in Dallas, TX. They operate 15 private funds and have approximately $2.08 billion in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Kainos (Tx) Capital including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Kainos (Tx) Capital

Kainos (Tx) Capital LP
2100 Mckinney
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
United States

Phone: 214-740-7300
Fax: 214-720-7888
Website: http://www.kainoscapital.com

Overview of Kainos (Tx) Capital

Org. Type: Limited Partnership

Registration Country: United States


SEC#: 801-77307

Org#: 165607

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Ownership/Leadership of Kainos (Tx) Capital


William Gerald NeiselTreasurer, Chief Compliance Officer And Assistant Secretary
David William KnickelVice President, Chief Financial Officer And Secretary
Sarah Ashmore BradleyPartner
Andrew Scott RosenPartner
Nirav ShahPartner
Kevin Edward ElliottPartner

Kainos (Tx) Capital Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $2.08 billion

Kainos (Tx) Capital discretionary AUM

Rank: 162 out of 1975 private equity companies

Total AUM: $2.08 billion

Kainos (Tx) Capital total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 177 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Accounts: 15

Kainos (Tx) Capital total client accounts

Rank: 241 out of 1975 private equity companies

Average Account Size: 138478860.733

Kainos (Tx) Capital average account size

Rank: 355 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Employees: 18

Kainos (Tx) Capital has 18 employees

Rank: 339 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Private Funds: 15

Kainos (Tx) Capital operates 15 private Private Equity funds

Rank: 122 out of 1975 private equity companies

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