Jeffrey Mitchell Elliott

Jeffrey Mitchell Elliott is an employee with Iridian Asset Management LLC, a hedge fund company. Jeffrey is Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer And Secretary and has served as Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer And Secretary since 11/01/1995. Jeffrey Elliott has an ownership stake in Iridian Asset Management LLC of less than 5%.

Jeffrey Elliott

Full Name: Jeffrey Mitchell Elliott

Company: Iridian Asset Management LLC

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer And Secretary

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 11/01/1995

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%


Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Iridian Asset Management LLC

Address: 276 Post Rd West, Westport, CT, 06880-4704, United States

Phone: 203-341-7800

Fax: 203-341-7801


Jeffrey Elliott, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer And Secretary since 1995



Jeffrey Elliott has served as Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer And Secretary of Iridian Asset Management LLC since 1995.