Bioventures Investors

Bioventures Investors is a venture capital company based in Wellesley, United States. They have less than $150 million in assets under management and operate 5 private funds. You can view more information on Bioventures Investors including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Bioventures Investors

Bioventures Investors
70 Walnut Street
Suite 302
Wellesley, MA 2481
United States

Phone: 617-252-3443
Fax: 617-621-7993

Overview of Bioventures Investors

Org. Type:

Registration Country:


SEC#: 802-74905

Org#: 161520

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Ownership/Leadership of Bioventures Investors


Marc Evan GoldbergPresident, Director, Shareholder
Peter Lawrence FeinsteinTreasurer, Director, Shareholder
Jeffrey Thomas BarnesManaging Director Of Bioventures Investors Iv Management Llc
Walter Nmn GilbertSecretary, Director, Shareholder
Managing Director Of Bioventures Investors Ii, Llc
Marc Evan GoldbergLimited Partner Of Bioventures Investors Iii Management Limited Partnership
Bvi Iii LLCGeneral Partner Of Bioventures Investors Iii Management Limited Partnership
Peter Lawrence FeinsteinManaging Director Of Bioventures Investors Ii Llc

Bioventures Investors Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: Not Available

Bioventures Investors discretionary AUM

Rank: Not available

Total AUM: Less than $150 million

Bioventures Investors total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: Not available

# of Accounts: 0

Bioventures Investors total client accounts

Rank: 34 out of 1042 venture capital companies

Average Account Size:

Bioventures Investors average account size

Rank: Not available

# of Employees:

Bioventures Investors has  employees

Rank: Not available

# of Private Funds: 5

Bioventures Investors operates 5 private Venture Capital funds

Rank: 257 out of 1042 venture capital companies

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