Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag
Contact Details for Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag
Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag
Bahnhofstrasse 39
Zurich 8001
Phone: 011 41 44 297 7373
Overview of Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag
Org. Type: Corporation
Registration Country: Switzerland
SEC#: 801-78476
Org#: 161987
Legal Issues: The SEC or CFTC has found an employee or advisory affiliaite to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes. The SEC or CFTC has entered an order in connection with investment-related activities. The SEC or CFTC has imposed a civil money penalty on an employee or advisory affiliate, or been ordered to cease and desist from any activity. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has found an employee or advisory affiliate to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes.
Company Type: Private Equity
Strategies/Sectors: Fund of Funds
Pooled Investments: 76-99 percent
Private Funds Managed(1): Blackrock Vintage Partners Lp
Ownership/Leadership of Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag
Barry Dermont Patrick O’Dwyer | Director |
Blackrock Uk Holdco Limited | Sole Shareholder |
David Jakob Blumer | Chairman |
Peter Harald Athanassoglou | Director |
Christian Martin Staub | Chief Executive Officer |
David Jakob Blumer | Director |
Christian Martin Staub | Director |
Susanne Nmn Haury Von Siebenthal | Director |
Blackrock Asset Management Schweiz Ag Key Stats and Charts
Discretionary AUM: $5.33 billion
Rank: 69 out of 1975 private equity companies
Total AUM: $5.33 billion
Rank: 77 out of 1975 private equity companies
# of Accounts: 42
Rank: 121 out of 1975 private equity companies
Average Account Size: 126974719.738
Rank: 380 out of 1975 private equity companies
# of Employees: 97
Rank: 61 out of 1975 private equity companies
# of Private Funds: 1
Rank: 1437 out of 1975 private equity companies