Bmo Asset Management Corp.

Bmo Asset Management Corp. is a private equity company based in Chicago, IL. They operate 13 private funds and have approximately $39.72 billion in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Bmo Asset Management Corp. including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Bmo Asset Management Corp.

Bmo Asset Management Corp.
115 South Lasalle Street
11th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
United States

Phone: 312-461-7699
Fax: 312-293-5076

Overview of Bmo Asset Management Corp.

Org. Type: Corporation

Registration Country: United States


SEC#: 801-35533

Org#: 106466

Legal Issues: A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has found an employee or advisory affiliate to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has entered an order against an employee or advisory affiliate in connection with investment-related activity. A self-regulatory organization or commodities exchange has found an employee or advisory affiliaite to been involved in a violation of its rules other than a violation designated as a minor rule violation under a plan approved by the SEC.

Ownership/Leadership of Bmo Asset Management Corp.


Barry Merritt CooperChairman
Phillip Edward EnochsDirector
Richard Charles WilsonDirector
Stephanie Ann LakeChief Financial Officer
Joan Zabida MohammedDirector
Sole Shareholder Of Bmo Asset Management Corp.
Steve Raymond IlottChief Investment Officer
Christopher BegyDirector

Bmo Asset Management Corp. Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $34.45 billion

Bmo Asset Management Corp. discretionary AUM

Rank: 10 out of 1975 private equity companies

Total AUM: $39.72 billion

Bmo Asset Management Corp. total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 12 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Accounts: 2743

Bmo Asset Management Corp. total client accounts

Rank: 10 out of 1975 private equity companies

Average Account Size: 14481496.249

Bmo Asset Management Corp. average account size

Rank: 789 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Employees: 125

Bmo Asset Management Corp. has 125 employees

Rank: 48 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Private Funds: 13

Bmo Asset Management Corp. operates 13 private Private Equity funds

Rank: 152 out of 1975 private equity companies

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