Cornerstone Capital Management

Cornerstone Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. They operate 1 private fund and have approximately $14 billion in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Cornerstone Capital Management including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Cornerstone Capital Management

Cornerstone Capital Management
1180 Avenue Of The Americas
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10036-8401
United States

Phone: 212-938-6500
Fax: 212-938-8139

Overview of Cornerstone Capital Management

Org. Type: Limited Liability Company

Registration Country: United States


SEC#: 801-69663

Org#: 148500

Legal Issues: A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has found an employee or advisory affiliate to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has entered an order against an employee or advisory affiliate in connection with investment-related activity.

Company Type: Hedge Fund

Pooled Investments: Up to 10 percent

Private Funds Managed(1): Cornerstone Us Equity Market Neutral Fund Llc

Ownership/Leadership of Cornerstone Capital Management


New York Life Investment Management Holdings LLCSole Member
Thomas Alexander HendryElected Manager
Herman Anthony AbdulElected Manager, Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer
Francis Michael HarteElected Manager
Jae Sung YoonElected Manager
Yie-Hsin Nmn HungChairman Of The Board Of Managers, Elected Manager
Renny Alan CabrerosCorporate Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer
Lucille Marian ProtasElected Manager, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Cornerstone Capital Management Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $13.98 billion

Cornerstone Capital Management discretionary AUM

Rank: 219 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Total AUM: $14 billion

Cornerstone Capital Management total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 228 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Accounts: 59

Cornerstone Capital Management total client accounts

Rank: 600 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Average Account Size: 237338983.051

Cornerstone Capital Management average account size

Rank: 555 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Employees: 49

Cornerstone Capital Management has 49 employees

Rank: 437 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Private Funds: 1

Cornerstone Capital Management operates 1 private Hedge Fund funds

Rank: 1944 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

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