Gladstone Partners

Gladstone Partners is a hedge fund company based in London, United Kingdom. They operate 1 private fund and have approximately $419 million in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Gladstone Partners including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Gladstone Partners

Gladstone Partners
20 Balderton Street
London W1K 6TL
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 207 408 4771
Fax: +44 207 408 4790

Overview of Gladstone Partners

Org. Type: Other (specify)

Registration Country: United Kingdom


SEC#: 801-81061

Org#: 167646

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Company Type: Hedge Fund

Pooled Investments: 51-75 percent

Private Funds Managed(1): Lasker Master Fund

Ownership/Leadership of Gladstone Partners


George Nmn MichelakisChief Investment Officer
George Peter BoutrosSector Head
Martin William StapletonSector Head
Eric Robert ScheurerChief Compliance Officer, Chief Financial Officer

Gladstone Partners Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $419 million

Gladstone Partners discretionary AUM

Rank: 1424 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Total AUM: $419 million

Gladstone Partners total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 1480 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Accounts: 5

Gladstone Partners total client accounts

Rank: 1546 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Average Account Size: 83800000

Gladstone Partners average account size

Rank: 1136 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Employees: 6

Gladstone Partners has 6 employees

Rank: 1708 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Private Funds: 1

Gladstone Partners operates 1 private Hedge Fund funds

Rank: 1944 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

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