Goldman Sachs Asset Management International

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International is a hedge fund company based in London, United Kingdom. They operate 25 private funds and have approximately $262.38 billion in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Goldman Sachs Asset Management International including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Goldman Sachs Asset Management International

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International
Peterborough Court
133 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2BB
United Kingdom

Phone: 011-44-207-774-1000
Fax: 212-357-5281

Overview of Goldman Sachs Asset Management International

Org. Type: Other (specify)

Registration Country: United Kingdom


SEC#: 801-38157

Org#: 107715

Legal Issues: The SEC or CFTC has found an employee or advisory affiliaite to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes. The SEC or CFTC has entered an order in connection with investment-related activities. The SEC or CFTC has imposed a civil money penalty on an employee or advisory affiliate, or been ordered to cease and desist from any activity. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has found an employee or advisory affiliate to have been involved in a violation of SEC or CFTC regulations or statutes. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has entered an order against an employee or advisory affiliate in connection with investment-related activity. A federal, state or foreign financial regulatory agency has denied, suspended, or revoked an employee or advisory affiliate’s registration or license, or otherwise prevented an employee or advisory affiliate, by order, from associating with an investment-related business or restricted activity.

Ownership/Leadership of Goldman Sachs Asset Management International


Theodore Thomas SotirDirector
Ellen Randy PorgesGeneral Counsel, Investment Management Division (Chief Legal Officer)
Andrew Francis WilsonChief Executive Officer, Director
Goldman Sachs Group Uk LimitedShareholder
Lisa Anne DonnellyDirector
Glenn Raymond ThorpeChief Financial Officer, Director
Judith Leah ShandlingChief Compliance Officer – Us Matters
Carinne Sophie WitheyDirector

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $262.38 billion

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International discretionary AUM

Rank: 14 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Total AUM: $262.38 billion

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 14 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Accounts: 1067

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International total client accounts

Rank: 140 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Average Account Size: 245905550.123

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International average account size

Rank: 537 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Employees: 385

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International has 385 employees

Rank: 45 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Private Funds: 25

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International operates 25 private Hedge Fund funds

Rank: 63 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

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