Mbf Healthcare Management Ii LLC

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii is a private equity company based in Coral Gables, FL. They operate 2 private funds and have approximately $293.8 million in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Mbf Healthcare Management Ii including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Mbf Healthcare Management Ii

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii, LLC
121 Alhambra Plaza
Suite 1100
Coral Gables, FL 33134
United States

Phone: 305-476-5161
Fax: 305-461-4999

Overview of Mbf Healthcare Management Ii

Org. Type: Limited Liability Company

Registration Country: United States


SEC#: 801-107688

Org#: 283576

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Company Type: Private Equity

Pooled Investments: 100 percent

Private Funds Managed(2): Mbf Healthcare Partners Lp, Mbf Healthcare Partners Ii Lp

Ownership/Leadership of Mbf Healthcare Management Ii


Jorge L RicoManaging Partner
Miguel Benito FernandezChief Executive Officer
Marcio CabreraManaging Partner
Joseph Sleiman IbrahimManaging Director
Mary Elizabeth KowarickChief Compliance Officer And Chief Financial Officer

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $294 million

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii discretionary AUM

Rank: 603 out of 1975 private equity companies

Total AUM: $294 million

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 637 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Accounts: 2

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii total client accounts

Rank: 736 out of 1975 private equity companies

Average Account Size: 146920321.5

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii average account size

Rank: 334 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Employees: 13

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii has 13 employees

Rank: 466 out of 1975 private equity companies

# of Private Funds: 2

Mbf Healthcare Management Ii operates 2 private Private Equity funds

Rank: 1073 out of 1975 private equity companies

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