Stelac Advisory Services LLC

Stelac Advisory Services is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. They operate 2 private funds and have approximately $1.71 billion in total assets under management (AUM). You can view more information on Stelac Advisory Services including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for Stelac Advisory Services

Stelac Advisory Services LLC
654 Madison Avenue
Suite 1101
New York, NY 10065
United States

Phone: 212-920-3890
Fax: 212-920-3888

Overview of Stelac Advisory Services

Org. Type: Limited Liability Company

Registration Country: United States


SEC#: 801-68823

Org#: 145103

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Company Type: Hedge Fund

Pooled Investments: 0 percent

Private Funds Managed(2): Sas Manager Access Vehicle Ltd , Stelac Spc

Ownership/Leadership of Stelac Advisory Services


Carlos Manuel Lopez OnaChief Financial Officer/Chief Compliance Officer
Integer LLCOwner
Eric Javier CastilloChief Operating Officer
Carlos Eduardo PadulaChief Executive Officer And Owner

Stelac Advisory Services Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: $540 million

Stelac Advisory Services discretionary AUM

Rank: 1309 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Total AUM: $1.71 billion

Stelac Advisory Services total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: 866 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Accounts: 374

Stelac Advisory Services total client accounts

Rank: 272 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

Average Account Size: 4578149.59091

Stelac Advisory Services average account size

Rank: 1974 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Employees: 16

Stelac Advisory Services has 16 employees

Rank: 953 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

# of Private Funds: 2

Stelac Advisory Services operates 2 private Hedge Fund funds

Rank: 1343 out of 3271 hedge fund management companies

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