Blackstone Holdings I L.P.

Blackstone Holdings I L.P. is a domestic entity serving as Sole Member for Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC, a hedge fund company. Blackstone Holdings I L.P. has an ownership stake in Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC of more than 75%.

Blackstone Holdings I L.P.

Full Name: Blackstone Holdings I L.P.

Company: Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Sole Member

Ownership Type: Domestic Entity

Date Status Acquired: 09/01/2012

Ownership Stake: More than 75%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC

Address: 345 Park Avenue, 28th Fl., New York, NY, 10154, United States

Phone: 212-583-5000

Fax: 212-583-5016


 Blackstone Holdings I L.P., Sole Member since 2012



Blackstone Holdings I L.P. has been Sole Member of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC since 2012.