Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C.

Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C. is a domestic entity serving as General Partner Of Corsair Operations Management, L.P. for Corsair Capital Management, L.P., a hedge fund company. Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C. has an ownership stake in Corsair Capital Management, L.P. of less than 5%.

Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C.

Full Name: Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C.

Company: Corsair Capital Management, L.P.

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: General Partner Of Corsair Operations Management, L.P.

Ownership Type: Domestic Entity

Date Status Acquired: 01/01/2014

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Corsair Capital Management, L.P.

Address: 366 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY, 10017, United States

Phone: 212-949-3000

Fax: 212-949-3099


Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C., General Partner Of Corsair Operations Management, L.P. since 2014



Corsair Operations Management Gp L.L.C. has been General Partner Of Corsair Operations Management, L.P. of Corsair Capital Management, L.P. since 2014.