David Kaplan

David Kaplan is an employee with Lascaux Resource Capital, LLC, a hedge fund company. David is Principal and has served as Principal since 03/01/2013. David Kaplan has an ownership stake in Lascaux Resource Capital, LLC of between 50% and 75%.

David Kaplan

Full Name: David Kaplan

Company: Lascaux Resource Capital, LLC

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Principal

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 03/01/2013

Ownership Stake: 50% to 75%

Email: elliot.rothstein@lascauxrc.com

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Lascaux Resource Capital, LLC

Address: 263 Tresser Blvd., Suite 1620, Stamford, CT, 6901, United States

Phone: 212-756-1290

Fax: 203-569-1965

Website: http://lascauxresourcecapital.com

David Kaplan, Principal since 2013



David Kaplan has served as Principal of Lascaux Resource Capital, LLC since 2013.