Gabriel Dealba

Gabriel Dealba is an employee with The Catalyst Capital Group Inc., a private equity company. Gabriel is Managing Director And Partner and has served as Managing Director And Partner since 02/01/2002. Gabriel Dealba has an ownership stake in The Catalyst Capital Group Inc. of between 10% and 25%.

Gabriel Dealba

Full Name: Gabriel Dealba

Company: The Catalyst Capital Group Inc.

Industry: Private Equity

Position: Managing Director And Partner

Ownership Type:

Date Status Acquired: 02/01/2002

Ownership Stake: 10% to 20%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: The Catalyst Capital Group Inc.

Address: 181 Bay Street, Suite 4700, Bay Wellington Tower, Brookfield Place, Toronto, M5J 2T3, Canada

Phone: 416-945-3000

Fax: 416-945-3060


Gabriel Dealba, Managing Director And Partner since 2002



Gabriel Dealba has served as Managing Director And Partner of The Catalyst Capital Group Inc. since 2002.