Hayley A. Stein

Hayley A. Stein is an employee with Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC, a hedge fund company. Hayley is Chief Compliance Officer Of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors Llc and has served as Chief Compliance Officer Of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors Llc since 01/01/2013. Hayley Stein has an ownership stake in Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC of less than 5%.

Hayley Stein

Full Name: Hayley A. Stein

Company: Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Chief Compliance Officer Of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors Llc

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 01/01/2013

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC

Address: 345 Park Avenue, 28th Fl., New York, NY, 10154, United States

Phone: 212-583-5000

Fax: 212-583-5016

Website: http://blackstone.com

Hayley Stein, Chief Compliance Officer Of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors Llc since 2013



Hayley Stein has served as Chief Compliance Officer Of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors Llc of Blackstone Alternative Investment Advisors LLC since 2013.