Hf Consulting Ltd.

Hf Consulting Ltd. is a foreign entity serving as Shareholder for Bsp Advisors Ltd., a hedge fund company. Hf Consulting Ltd. has an ownership stake in Bsp Advisors Ltd. of between 25% and 50%.

Hf Consulting Ltd.

Full Name: Hf Consulting Ltd.

Company: Bsp Advisors Ltd.

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Shareholder

Ownership Type: Foreign Entity

Date Status Acquired: 05/01/2009

Ownership Stake: 25% to 50%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Bsp Advisors Ltd.

Address: Dms Place, 3rd Floor – 18 Fort Street, Pob 314, George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

Phone: 1.345.749.2419

Fax: 1.345.949.2877


 Hf Consulting Ltd., Shareholder since 2009



Hf Consulting Ltd. has been Shareholder of Bsp Advisors Ltd. since 2009.