Ho Kee Lim

Ho Kee Lim is an employee with Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd, a hedge fund company. Ho Kee is Shareholder and has served as Shareholder since 11/01/1999. Ho Kee Lim has an ownership stake in Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd of between 5% and 10%.

Ho Kee Lim

Full Name: Ho Kee Lim

Company: Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Shareholder

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 11/01/1999

Ownership Stake: 5% to 10%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd

Address: 77 Science Park Drive, #02-11, Cintech Iii Singapore Science Park I, Singapore, 118256, Singapore

Phone: 65 6874 7700

Fax: 65 6779 8977

Website: http://www.kenrich.com.sg/

Ho Kee Lim, Shareholder since 1999



Ho Kee Lim has served as Shareholder of Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd since 1999.