Jean Eric Salata Rothleder

Jean Eric Salata Rothleder is an employee with Baring Private Equity Asia Group Limited, a private equity company. Jean Eric is Director/Chief Executive Officer and has served as Director/Chief Executive Officer since 03/01/2006. Jean Eric Rothleder has an ownership stake in Baring Private Equity Asia Group Limited of less than 5%.

Jean Eric Rothleder

Full Name: Jean Eric Salata Rothleder

Company: Baring Private Equity Asia Group Limited

Industry: Private Equity

Position: Director/Chief Executive Officer

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 03/01/2006

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Baring Private Equity Asia Group Limited

Address: 309 Ugland House, George Town, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

Phone: 6562326300

Fax: 6562326301


Jean Eric Rothleder, Director/Chief Executive Officer since 2006



Jean Eric Rothleder has served as Director/Chief Executive Officer of Baring Private Equity Asia Group Limited since 2006.