John Smith Clark

John Smith Clark is an employee with Southpoint Capital Advisors LP, a hedge fund company. John is Owner Of Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp And Southpoint Gp, Lp and has served as Owner Of Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp And Southpoint Gp, Lp since 02/01/2004. John Clark has an ownership stake in Southpoint Capital Advisors LP of more than 75%.

John Clark

Full Name: John Smith Clark

Company: Southpoint Capital Advisors LP

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Owner Of Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp And Southpoint Gp, Lp

Ownership Type:

Date Status Acquired: 02/01/2004

Ownership Stake: More than 75%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Southpoint Capital Advisors LP

Address: 1114 Avenue Of The Americas, 22nd Floor, New York, NY, 10036, United States

Phone: 212-692-6350

Fax: 212-692-6355


John Clark, Owner Of Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp And Southpoint Gp, Lp since 2004



John Clark has served as Owner Of Southpoint Capital Advisors Lp And Southpoint Gp, Lp of Southpoint Capital Advisors LP since 2004.