Joshua Seth Birnbaum

Joshua Seth Birnbaum is an employee with Tilden Park Capital Management LP, a hedge fund company. Joshua is Chief Investment Officer and has served as Chief Investment Officer since 02/01/2009. Joshua Birnbaum has an ownership stake in Tilden Park Capital Management LP of more than 75%.

Joshua Birnbaum

Full Name: Joshua Seth Birnbaum

Company: Tilden Park Capital Management LP

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Chief Investment Officer

Ownership Type:

Date Status Acquired: 02/01/2009

Ownership Stake: More than 75%


Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Tilden Park Capital Management LP

Address: 452 Fifth Avenue, 28th Floor, New York, NY, 10018, United States

Phone: 212-754-1700

Fax: 646-480-5370


Joshua Birnbaum, Chief Investment Officer since 2009



Joshua Birnbaum has served as Chief Investment Officer of Tilden Park Capital Management LP since 2009.