Kynikos Associates Ltd.

Kynikos Associates Ltd. is a domestic entity serving as General Partner for Kynikos Associates LP, a hedge fund company. Kynikos Associates Ltd. has an ownership stake in Kynikos Associates LP of less than 5%.

Kynikos Associates Ltd.

Full Name: Kynikos Associates Ltd.

Company: Kynikos Associates LP

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: General Partner

Ownership Type: Domestic Entity

Date Status Acquired: 12/01/2003

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%


Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Kynikos Associates LP

Address: 20 West 55Th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY, 10019-5373, United States

Phone: 212-649-0200

Fax: 212-649-0269


Kynikos Associates Ltd., General Partner since 2003



Kynikos Associates Ltd. has been General Partner of Kynikos Associates LP since 2003.