Michael Anthony Roth

Michael Anthony Roth is an employee with Black Maple Capital Management LP, a hedge fund company. Michael is Passive Limited Partner Of Black Maple Capital Management Lp and has served as Passive Limited Partner Of Black Maple Capital Management Lp since 08/01/2013. Michael Roth has an ownership stake in Black Maple Capital Management LP of between 10% and 25%.

Michael Roth

Full Name: Michael Anthony Roth

Company: Black Maple Capital Management LP

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Passive Limited Partner Of Black Maple Capital Management Lp

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 08/01/2013

Ownership Stake: 10% to 20%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Black Maple Capital Management LP

Address: 735 North Water Street, Suite 790, Milwaukee, WI, 53202, United States

Phone: 414-294-7777

Fax: 414-294-7799

Website: http://www.blackmaplecapital.com

Michael Roth, Passive Limited Partner Of Black Maple Capital Management Lp since 2013



Michael Roth has served as Passive Limited Partner Of Black Maple Capital Management Lp of Black Maple Capital Management LP since 2013.