Minot Nevada Ptc Inc.

Minot Nevada Ptc Inc. is a domestic entity serving as Trustee Of The Hudson Lp Holdings Trust for Hudson Americas L.P., a hedge fund company. Minot Nevada Ptc Inc. has an ownership stake in Hudson Americas L.P. of less than 5%.

Minot Nevada Ptc Inc.

Full Name: Minot Nevada Ptc Inc.

Company: Hudson Americas L.P.

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Trustee Of The Hudson Lp Holdings Trust

Ownership Type: Domestic Entity

Date Status Acquired: 06/01/2016

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Email: inquiries@hudson-advisors.com

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Hudson Americas L.P.

Address: 2711 N. Haskell Avenue, Suite 1800, Dallas, TX, 75204, United States

Phone: 214-754-8400

Fax: 214-754-8401

Website: http://www.hudson-advisors.com

Minot Nevada Ptc Inc., Trustee Of The Hudson Lp Holdings Trust since 2016



Minot Nevada Ptc Inc. has been Trustee Of The Hudson Lp Holdings Trust of Hudson Americas L.P. since 2016.