Neil Mccallum

Neil Mccallum is an employee with Capula Investment Management Llp, a hedge fund company. Neil is Chief Administrative Officer, Capula Investment Management Llp and has served as Chief Administrative Officer, Capula Investment Management Llp since 10/01/2005. Neil Mccallum has an ownership stake in Capula Investment Management Llp of less than 5%.

Neil Mccallum

Full Name: Neil Mccallum

Company: Capula Investment Management Llp

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Chief Administrative Officer, Capula Investment Management Llp

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 10/01/2005

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Capula Investment Management Llp

Address: 8 Lancelot Place, London, SW7 1DR, United Kingdom

Phone: +44-(0)20-7071-0900

Fax: +44-(0)20 7071 0950


Neil Mccallum, Chief Administrative Officer, Capula Investment Management Llp since 2005



Neil Mccallum has served as Chief Administrative Officer, Capula Investment Management Llp of Capula Investment Management Llp since 2005.