Santokh Singh Birk

Santokh Singh Birk is an employee with Hsbc Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited, a other company. Santokh is Director and has served as Director since 06/01/2016. Santokh Birk has an ownership stake in Hsbc Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited of less than 5%.

Santokh Birk

Full Name: Santokh Singh Birk

Company: Hsbc Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited

Industry: Other

Position: Director

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 06/01/2016

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Hsbc Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited

Address: 3Rd Floor, 885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, V6C 3E8, Canada

Phone: 604-257-1000

Fax: 604-669-8420


Santokh Birk, Director since 2016



Santokh Birk has served as Director of Hsbc Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited since 2016.