Simon Bernard Cresswell

Simon Bernard Cresswell is an employee with Apax Partners Llp, a private equity company. Simon is General Counsel and has served as General Counsel since 04/01/2011. Simon Cresswell has an ownership stake in Apax Partners Llp of less than 5%.

Simon Cresswell

Full Name: Simon Bernard Cresswell

Company: Apax Partners Llp

Industry: Private Equity

Position: General Counsel

Ownership Type: Individual

Date Status Acquired: 04/01/2011

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Apax Partners Llp

Address: 33 Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 6DN, United Kingdom

Phone: 44 (0) 207872 6300

Fax: 44 (0) 207666 5441


Simon Cresswell, General Counsel since 2011



Simon Cresswell has served as General Counsel of Apax Partners Llp since 2011.