Vanguard Valley Forge Funds

Vanguard Valley Forge Funds is a domestic entity serving as Stockholder for Vanguard Group Inc, a hedge fund company. Vanguard Valley Forge Funds has an ownership stake in Vanguard Group Inc of less than 5%.

Vanguard Valley Forge Funds

Full Name: Vanguard Valley Forge Funds

Company: Vanguard Group Inc

Industry: Hedge Fund

Position: Stockholder

Ownership Type:

Date Status Acquired: 11/01/1992

Ownership Stake: Less than 5%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: Vanguard Group Inc

Address: 100 Vanguard Blvd, V26, Malvern, PA, 19355, United States

Phone: 610-669-1000

Fax: 610-669-6600


 Vanguard Valley Forge Funds, Stockholder since 1992



Vanguard Valley Forge Funds has been Stockholder of Vanguard Group Inc since 1992.