Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund
Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund is a liquidity fund operated by Goldman Sachs Asset Management International and has approximately $11.6 billion in assets. The current minimum investment for Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund is $1000000. 2 percent of the fund is owned by fund of funds. Management owns just 2 percent of the fund. Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund is one of the larger private funds with 11.6 billion in assets.
Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund Overview
Fund Type: liquidity
Private Fund ID: 805-7765882913
Fund Manager: Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (Crd# 107715)
Registered Location: Ireland
Total Assets: $11.6 billion
Minimum Investment: $1000000
Private Funds Managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (25): Goldman Sachs Tactical Tilt Overlay Portfolio, China Equity Portfolio , Corporate Credit Investment Fund , Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Core Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Debt Local Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Core Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Currency Plus Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Fixed Income Plus Portfolio Hedged , Goldman Sachs Global High Yield Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Lower Beta Equity Fund , Goldman Sachs Global Small Cap Core Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs High Yield Floating Rate Portfolio Lux , Goldman Sachs Strategic Commodities Portfolio Lux , Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund , Goldman Sachs Sterling Government Liquid Reserves Fund , Goldman Sachs Sterling Liquid Reserves Fund , Floating Rate Loan Fund , Goldman Sachs Brics Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Europe Equity Partners Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Equity Partners Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Global Strategic Income Bond Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Gms Dynamic World Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs India Equity Portfolio , Goldman Sachs Opportunistic Corporate Bond Portfolio
Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund Details
Subadviser: No
Other Investment Advisers: No
Solicited: No
Rely on Reg D Exemption: Yes
Audited: Yes
Master Fund: Yes
Feeder Fund: No
Beneficial Owners: 614
Management Ownership: 2%
Fund of Fund Ownership: 1%
Non-US Ownership: 99%
Auditor(s): PricewaterhouseCoopers
Custodian(s): Aib/BNY Trust Company Limited
Administrator(s): BNY Mellon Fund Services (Ireland) Dac
Goldman Sachs Euro Liquid Reserves Fund Charts and Graphs
Total AUM: $11.6 billion
Rank: 71 out of 30967 registered private funds
Minimum Investment: $1000000
Rank: 7749 out of 30967 registered private funds
Management Ownership: 2%
Rank: 13984 out of 30967 registered private funds
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