International Housing Solutions

International Housing Solutions is a private equity company based in Bryanston, Gauteng, South Africa. They have less than $150 million in assets under management and operate 4 private funds. You can view more information on International Housing Solutions including private fund info, contact info, top management and executives, website, email addresses, and more below:

Contact Details for International Housing Solutions

International Housing Solutions
Peter Place Office Park, Block G, Ground Floor
54 Peter Place Road
Bryanston, Gauteng 2191
South Africa

Phone: 27 11 300 8600
Fax: 27 11 463 1391

Overview of International Housing Solutions

Org. Type:

Registration Country:


SEC#: 802-74835

Org#: 162120

Legal Issues: No legal issues reported

Ownership/Leadership of International Housing Solutions


Mma Financial International LLCShareholder
Jeffrey Thad MullerFinance & Administration
Nicolette Mary BlaneIhs Chief Financial Officer
Robert Nicolaas WesseloSouth Africa Country Director
Cathal Padraig ConatyChief Investment Officer
Director And Chief Executive

International Housing Solutions Key Stats and Charts

Discretionary AUM: Not Available

International Housing Solutions discretionary AUM

Rank: Not available

Total AUM: Less than $150 million

International Housing Solutions total assets under management (AUM)

Rank: Not available

# of Accounts: 0

International Housing Solutions total client accounts

Rank: 929 out of 1975 private equity companies

Average Account Size:

International Housing Solutions average account size

Rank: Not available

# of Employees:

International Housing Solutions has  employees

Rank: Not available

# of Private Funds: 4

International Housing Solutions operates 4 private Private Equity funds

Rank: 681 out of 1975 private equity companies