Mma Financial International LLC

Mma Financial International LLC is a domestic entity serving as Shareholder for International Housing Solutions, a private equity company. Mma Financial International LLC has an ownership stake in International Housing Solutions of more than 75%.

Mma Financial International Llc

Full Name: Mma Financial International LLC

Company: International Housing Solutions

Industry: Private Equity

Position: Shareholder

Ownership Type: Domestic Entity

Date Status Acquired: 09/01/2005

Ownership Stake: More than 75%

Employment Details

Company/Fund Name: International Housing Solutions

Address: Peter Place Office Park, Block G, Ground Floor, 54 Peter Place Road, Bryanston, Gauteng, 2191, South Africa

Phone: 27 11 300 8600

Fax: 27 11 463 1391


Mma Financial International Llc, Shareholder since 2005



Mma Financial International LLC has been Shareholder of International Housing Solutions since 2005.