Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited
Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited is a hedge fund operated by Ice Canyon Llc and has approximately $3.2 million in assets. The current minimum investment for Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited is $1000000. Management has no ownership stake in the fund. Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited is a feeder fund and does not invest directly in markets, but rather into a master fund. Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited is one of the smaller private funds with only 3.2 million in assets.
Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited Overview
Fund Type: hedge
Private Fund ID: 805-5523321217
Fund Manager: Ice Canyon Llc (Crd# 144896)
Registered Location: Ireland
Total Assets: $3.2 million
Minimum Investment: $1000000
Private Funds Managed by Ice Canyon Llc (11): Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited, Ice Focus Em Credit Master Fund Limited , Ice Focus Em Distressed Master Fund Limited , Ice Global Credit Dcam Master Fund Limited , Ice Global Credit Alpha Fund Master Fund Limited , Ice Global Credit Master Fund Limited , Ice Oryx Alpha Master Fund Limited , Ice Oryx Master Fund Limited , Ice 1: Em Clo Ltd , Ice 3: Global Credit Clo Ltd , Ice Global Credit Clo Ltd
Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited Details
Subadviser: No
Other Investment Advisers: No
Solicited: No
Rely on Reg D Exemption: No
Audited: Yes
Master Fund: Yes
Feeder Fund: Yes
Beneficial Owners: 1
Management Ownership: 0%
Fund of Fund Ownership: 0%
Non-US Ownership: 100%
Auditor(s): Deloitte & Touche LLP
Custodian(s): Northern Trust Corporation
Administrator(s): Northern Trust Global Fund Services Cayman Limited
Select Emerging Markets Opportunities Master Fund Limited Charts and Graphs
Total AUM: $3.2 million
Rank: 25423 out of 30967 registered private funds
Minimum Investment: $1000000
Rank: 7749 out of 30967 registered private funds
Management Ownership: 0%
Rank: 21788 out of 30967 registered private funds
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