Texo Wn Ii, LP
Texo Wn Ii, LP is a private equity fund operated by Texo Ventures, Llc and has approximately $31907 in assets. The current minimum investment for Texo Wn Ii, LP is $5000. Management owns just 5 percent of the fund. Texo Wn Ii, LP is one of the smaller private funds with only 31907 in assets.
Texo Wn Ii, LP Overview
Fund Type: private equity
Private Fund ID: 805-9654123491
Fund Manager: Texo Ventures, Llc (Crd# 175227)
Registered Location: Delaware, United States
Total Assets: $31907
Minimum Investment: $5000
Private Funds Managed by Texo Ventures, Llc (10): Texo Lsi Lp , Texo Oki Etf Lp , Texo Oki Ii Lp , Texo Oki Iii Lp , Texo Oki Lp , Texo Sensentia I Lp , Texo Ventures I Lp , Texo Waldo Networks Lp , Texo Wenzel Spine Lp , Texo Wn Ii Lp
Texo Wn Ii, LP Details
Subadviser: No
Other Investment Advisers: No
Solicited: No
Rely on Reg D Exemption: Yes
Audited: No
Master Fund: No
Feeder Fund: No
Beneficial Owners: 17
Management Ownership: 5%
Fund of Fund Ownership: 0%
Non-US Ownership: 0%
Texo Wn Ii, LP Charts and Graphs
Total AUM: $31907
Rank: 29564 out of 30967 registered private funds
Minimum Investment: $5000
Rank: 24701 out of 30967 registered private funds
Management Ownership: 5%
Rank: 10755 out of 30967 registered private funds
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