Trg Preferred Holdings LP

Trg Preferred Holdings LP is a private equity fund operated by Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners and has approximately $198.2 million in assets. There is currently no minimum investment for Trg Preferred Holdings LP. 0 percent of the fund is owned by fund of funds. Management has no ownership stake in the fund.

Trg Preferred Holdings LP Overview

Trg Preferred Holdings LP Details

Subadviser: No Is Trg Preferred Holdings LP a subadviser

Other Investment Advisers: No other investment advisors

Solicited: No  Does Trg Preferred Holdings LP solicit investments?

Rely on Reg D Exemption: Yes  Does Trg Preferred Holdings LP have a Reg D exemption?

Audited: Yes  Does Trg Preferred Holdings LP shave audited financial statements?

Master Fund: Yes  Is Trg Preferred Holdings LP a master fund?

Feeder Fund: No  Is Trg Preferred Holdings LP a feeder fund?

GAAP: Yes  Does Trg Preferred Holdings LP use GAAP?

Beneficial Owners: 15  15 has 15 beneficial owners.

Management Ownership: 0% 

Fund of Fund Ownership: 53%  

Non-US Ownership: 13%  Non-US ownership in Trg Preferred Holdings LP

Auditor(s): Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP


Custodian(s): First Republic Trust Company, A Division Of First Republic Bank

Administrator(s): Gen Ii Fund Services, LLC

Trg Preferred Holdings LP Charts and Graphs

Total AUM: $198.2 million

column_171} total assets are $198.2 million

Rank: 7179 out of 30967 registered private funds

Minimum Investment: $0

Trg Preferred Holdings LP has a minimum investment of $0.

Rank: 25527 out of 30967 registered private funds

Management Ownership: 0%

Trg Preferred Holdings LP is 0% owned by its management.

Rank: 21788 out of 30967 registered private funds